Wednesday, November 25, 2020




          To teach a foreign language, one must learn about the methods of language teaching and to learn a method one must know the features, advantages, disadvantages, teacher-learner role, and of course the goal of the method. As I want to be a teacher, my study on the Grammar Translation Method, Direct Method, and Audio-Lingual Method will contribute to my future classroom teaching.                                              


From the Grammar Translation Method, I have learned how to teach grammatical rules deductively. If my classroom is big with lots of students, I will use the GTM method for teaching literature, synonyms-antonyms, translation of the passage, and reading comprehension. As we know that the Grammar Translation Method solely focuses on reading and writing skills, so I will use this method for the lessons that are based on reading and writing. Grammar is the backbone of a language. Without knowing grammatical rules, we cannot get the whole knowledge of a language. This method can bring students’ mental discipline. So, to teach grammatical structures and to enhance reading and writing skills, GTM is more appropriate than any other method for the students of secondary school.


                                 THE DIRECT METHOD - English Language Teaching Notes


The direct method is used for the practical learning of a foreign language. In my classroom, I will use this method to teach oral communicative English. For example, I will select two students to make a conversation or dialogue. Then, I will teach vocabulary by using different types of realia, miming, and visual materials. I might also diction using this method. DM is best for pronunciation and fluency. So, this method can easily be used for the new learners of a foreign language. My role in this method will be very active and I will let the students correct themselves. 


                                       Audio-Lingual Method - The teacher set of instruments 


The audio-Lingual Method is one of the best methods for teaching kindergarten students. In this method listening and speaking skills are in focus. By using this method, I will teach the target language through verbal behavior. As the method supports learning by repeating the educator, it will be perfect for teaching poems and other informative lessons that need to be memorized. I will have to be aware so that I can correct the mistakes of the students immediately.


As a teacher in my future class, I will use different methods based on the students’ level, classroom size, and the topic that I am going to teach. I will not conduct my class following only one method because every method has its demerits and it is impossible to teach four skills using only one method. So, I will conduct my class by mixing the Grammar Translation Method and Direct Method. I will focus on GTM while teaching reading and writing based lessons as well as grammatical structures. As the biggest limitation of GTM is not using the target language, I will target language in the classroom which is a feature of the Direct Method. Then again, I will not be the only authority of the classroom, I will be teaching my students through question and answer or demonstration so that they also get involve in the class and enjoy the lesson.

Sunday, November 22, 2020





The Audio-Lingual Method is a widely used method for teaching a foreign language. This method is also known as the Army method. It is based on Pavlov’s behavior theory which gives the idea of learning by repeating. In this method, the system of reinforcement is used. The correct answers of students will receive positive reinforcement and the wrong answers will get negative reinforcement.

Typically, in the Audio-Lingual Method teachers teach the lessons through drill and pattern practice. For example, repetition. Here students repeat what their teachers say as soon as they listen to it. Then, inflection, replacement, and restatement are also used for oral drills. In this method, the only target language is used and grammar is taught inductively. Audio-Lingual Method focuses on listening and speaking skill only. The classroom is focused on the correct imitation of the teacher. So, the learners become parrots in this method. Parrots can speak the words they are taught. As the method does not focus on the grammatical rules and vocabulary, students cannot produce anything of their own. They become unable to speak using the target language in real-life communication. They can only speak the things they are taught in the classroom.

Audio-Lingual Method is teacher-centered. The teacher conducts the class like a native speaker. So, students are expected to use the correct pronunciation and they must have the abilities that a native speaker has. Students are not allowed to take time for thinking before they speak. Teachers are always aware of the mistakes of students. They alert the students about the difficulties of the lesson. Still, if they make any error, the teacher corrects it immediately 

Audio-Lingual Approach 

Conducting class using the Audio-Lingual Method in the secondary education of Bangladesh will not be very effective. First of all, this method only focuses on listening and speaking but our curriculum and books are based on reading and writing. So, it will not match each other. Moreover, secondary level students will not enjoy the class repeating their teacher like a baby or like a parrot. They will not like to be corrected in the middle of the learning. Ultimately, the classes will be boring and unsatisfying for them. So, the goal of teaching and learning will not be achieved using the Audio-Lingual Method for secondary learners in the context of Bangladesh.


Sunday, November 8, 2020






 The Direct method is considered as the Natural Method. It was developed by Maximilian Berlitz as a reaction to the Grammar Translation Method. This method is based on oral communication. Vocabulary is emphasized over grammar. In this method, the only target language is used for teaching. The Direct method is named “direct” because here the teacher demonstrates the meaning by using realia, pictures, or objects. This method had a great impact on language teaching classes. We know that to learn a language, the learner should learn all four skills but this method only focuses on listening and speaking. As grammar gets less attention, students fail to learn about the structures of the target language. But The Direct method is successful in making the learners fluent.

When Grammar Translation Method failed, The Direct method was established in England. It was adopted by key international language schools like Berlitz and Inlingua within the 1970s and lots of of the language departments of the Foreign Service Institute of the U.S. State Department in 2012. This method was popular for using the target language only. At some point, the Direct Method also failed like the Grammar Translation Method. There are several reasons behind its fall. This method cannot be used in a large classroom and using this method, lessons cannot be taught to the tertiary level students. Moreover, to conduct the class using this method, teachers need to be well trained. The Direct method is time and energy-consuming.


 Teaching a foreign language to the adult learner is very challenging. The learning of a second language can be seen as a parallel to the acquisition of the child’s first language learning. The Direct Method follows the same way of learning the mother tongue. So, it becomes easy to adopt a foreign language for adults. Moreover, adults do not have lots of time for learning a language as they have so many responsibilities at their office and family. In the Direct Method, grammatical rules are not taught. This is one of the best methods to learn a second language within a very short time and with less effort. In DM, Teachers do not stop to correct the learners. Stopping in the middle of learning feels disrespectful to some elderly people. In my opinion, the Direct Method is the best way to teach the older effectively.

Saturday, November 7, 2020



                            Grammar translation method

Grammar Translation Method is also known as the Traditional Method. It was the first method that emerged for studying a foreign language to read literature. This method has a huge demerit. In response to this method, other methods were formed. We know that to learn a language, one must be competent in listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in the target language. But the Grammar Translation Method only focuses on reading and writing skills.

Despite the demerits of GTM, this method is still being used on full force in Bangladesh, especially in the primary and secondary schools. There are some solid reasons behind this. Many teachers use this method in their language classes as it seems the ideal method to teach the grammar of the target language. Using GTM, one can learn the detailed analysis of grammatical rules of a foreign language. This means grammar is taught deductively. In a typical Grammar-Translation text, the grammar rules are presented and illustrated, a list of vocabulary items are presented with their equivalents and

                              The Grammar-Translation Method

In Bangladesh, the national curriculum and syllabus focus on reading and writing skills only, and our board exams are written based, that is why many teachers use the GTM method which also focuses on reading and writing. Some teacher uses this method because there is a lack of equipment in the classroom. To conduct the class using other methods like Direct Method or Communicative Language Teaching approach, the teacher needs different types of materials that are not available. In the rural area, this is near to impossible to use technology for teaching grammar. In the GTM method, it is very easy to conduct the class using the only book, copy, and a board. Another reason behind using this method is the teachers also learned grammar in this method. So, they follow their teachers while teaching. Moreover, using this method, vocabulary can be learned easily by memorizing. So, at the beginning of teaching a language, this method can be very effective. In primary and secondary schools, particularly in Bangla medium schools, there are lots of students in a classroom. Sometimes it crosses over a hundred students in a single classroom and only one teacher conducts the class. It is utterly impossible for a teacher to teach language lessons of a foreign language in any method other than the Grammar Translation Method. Some teachers lack confidence in conducting the whole class using the target language and some have pronunciation problems. They use GTM for conducting class because this method allows the mother tongue to teach.

However, the Grammar Translation Method is over criticized by the critics. We can use this method very effectively by mixing with other methods. Though this is an old method we can creatively use this method. This method can be enormously used in reading classes or literature classes. In language classes, we can use this method while learning paragraphs, essays, and passage writing. Though the method has zero contribution in communicative teaching, this can also help to develop our minds through practicing and drilling the grammar of the target language.


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